Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Old Cats : Top tips for their care?

sorry to hear u have recently lost your cat, we to recently lost one of our family cats, we never knew how old he was he was a stray but he was fairly old he had tyroid problem the first vet said it was stress, we took him to another vet who did the blood tests and found his problem, but your right vetsd dont offer blood tests if there appears nothing wrong, my oldest cat didnt get blood tests he went for 3 visits cause there was something not right i was told he had arteritus in his jaw first time, second time it could be a bad tooth, 3rd time i insisted on blood test they found extreamly low possatium in his blood they kept him in for 3 day on a drip, if they had done the blood test 1st time they would have saved him being poorly for longer and saved my purse from the pain of paying the loads of money.


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